Friday, October 16, 2009
i have finally moved(: haha
yeah(: goodbye old blog(:
11:53 PM
Saturday, October 10, 2009
gah after exams, i wanna change my blog(:
haha but must get chewy's(?) help i dunno
cos i really dunno how to do this type of stuff(: haha
well yup anyway yesterday i was watching
beauty and the geek(: haha yeah i'm very backtracked cos
i have no cable, but that's besides the point(:
so so so sad, natalie and john went out!! gah:(
they were my favourite and john does not even
look like geek after his transformation, i'll show a picture
some other time(: haha really cool(:
oh and joshua is like really really geeky it's cute in
a way that he looks like some cartoon character(: haha
then like the day before or some other day
was when they had the team challenge and created their own
action hero!(: haha it was really funny(:
like jen wanted to be some woman that hypnotises with her boobs!
then jasmine's was really cute(: princess bedhead
haha metro man was funny too(: haha the tan part was funny
i wanna watch the whole season!! gah(:
oh and america's next top model,
backtracked again, now it's cycle 12 i think(: yeah(:
2:11 AM
Friday, October 9, 2009
ok(: it's finally friday(: haha yeah(:
thank god i got through this week, not that
it's already a blessing to be alive(: haha(:
well ok, so now the problem is little elf says that cool
chicken ddin't tell her that there was something on
this sun and that there was still and cracking egg test
on mon so now is pressurising cool chicken
so that cool chicken is now uncool! grrr(: haha
fun story(: yes yes, i can't wait for science paper to be over(:
haha but i really really REALLY don't wanna get back my papers><
well so weird, mon after papers, we have training!!(:
oh no i'm gonna die, i have become flabbier
and have lost all my stamina not as if i ever had...
melan(: anyway hiazzza still one more paper...
evil paper(: hahah(:
2:44 AM
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
omg seond day of exams, so screwed so far!!
wanna die>< i think i'm gonna die for all
especially math and history and lang arts and science!:(
i shouldn't be online, really.... oh well>< sigh
please i don't want my results back:(
but i can't wait for the weekend!(:
oh i didn't know my cousin can do a michael jackson
imitation so well(: haha damn good(:
well must concentrate, only let's seee
1,2,3,4 four more days...........
if you were falling then i would catch you...take me the way i am
5:38 AM
Thursday, October 1, 2009
gahh!! my blog's dead now!!>< cos it's the exams,
but since we're having cs, i thgouht i'd just write something(:
something i'm so happy to say!!(:
we finnally tied our first netball match!!(: yeah(:
against cmc 26-26(: yeah(: it's not a win but it's stll a start(:
oh and so cool, the ga(?) was an ex sc girl(:haha
i played gd i think, tiring(: haha
haha ok exams will be over in 11 days?? around there!! then
we'll finally be freee(: and i can start my rubber chicken army!!(:
yes(: melan(: and so funnn, we're going johor(:
then we get to design our own shirt(:
finally luh(: haha and must visit a tribal village
for our cip(: so funn(: but not the durian part(: yeah ok(:
oh oh, what did the char siew pao sing to the man tou??
give up give up??
hahaha get it get it??(: yeah
8:33 PM